Wednesday, July 8, 2020

20 Great Canadian Leaders

20 Great Canadian Leaders Canadian Businessin partnership with Ted Rogers Leadership Centre at Ryerson University present Portraits in Leadership. The followingCanadian Leaders were asked what role leadership played in their success: John Manzoni, President CEO, Talisman Energy Inc. Linda Hasenfratz, CEO, Linamar Corp. Michael Lee-Chin, Founder Chairman, Portland Holdings Inc. John Beck, Chairman CEO, Aecon Group Inc. Sarah Morgan-Silvester, Chancellor, University of British Columbia Annette Verschuren, President, Home Depot Canada Jim Shaw, CEO, Shaw Communications Inc. G. Raymond Chang, Chairman, CI Financial Corp.; Chancellor, Ryerson University Donald Sobey, Chair Emeritus, Empire Co. Ltd. Bonnie Brooks, CEO, The Bay Monique Leroux, Chair CEO, Desjardins Group David Sobey, Chair Emeritus, Sobeys Inc. Clive Beddoe, Founder Chairman, WestJet Airlines Donald Stewart, CEO, Sun Life Financial Inc. Remi Marcoux, Founder, Transcontinental Inc. Rebecca MacDonald, Founder Executive Chair, Just Energy Income Fund Robert DeLuce, President CEO, Porter Airlines Nadir Mohamed, President CEO, Rogers Communications Inc. Heather Reisman, Founder CEO, Indigo Books Music Inc. Rick George, President CEO, Suncor Energy Inc. Each of these20, successful Canadian leaders sharedinsight and advice providing a consistent message best summed up by Steve Maich, Editorand AssociatePublisher, CANADIAN BUSINESS, almost all spoke about theimportance of listening, of empowering and instilling both confidence and pride in those around you. In the end, all our success is bound up in the success of others. Nobody triumphs alone, and leaders can not lead unless others consent to be led. Contact Martin Bucklandfor information onthe Executive Career Management Services available at Elite Resumes.

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